You may resize windows as desired, but resizing the post window too large will mess up people with 80 column terminals. It's best to keep it at it's default size.
When using a list (either the NewsGroup or Article lists), you may use the 'n' and 'p' keys to move up and down the list. The space bar opens the currently selected group or article.
During any big data retreival, hitting command-period will halt it. However, this data cannot be stopped from being sent. If too much data is sent to your Mac, it will have to purge it, and this may be a lengthy process (you will be alerted to it) Best to just skip the command period, and wait it out.
There are probably other features/ bugs that even I have forgotten about - mainly cosmetic bugs, I hope. If you find a debilitating bug, please write or call me at home. If you have suggestions on how to improve MacNews, send 'em along to me (along with, of course, your shareware fee)